But when Louis XIV of France wanted to create what would become the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, he went to the Venetians and bribed a group of craftsmen to defect and smuggledthem and their finishes out. An assassin was sent to France and a couple of tradesmen wound up dead, but the secret was out. This would have been in the 1600s.

In 1836, a German chemist developed a technique using silver salt on metallic silver. He would then place it on a cast-iron table and cover it with wool felt to keep warm with steam. Silver nitrate was then poured onto the glass and left to “cook” for an hour to produce a lustrous silver coating which was then protected with shellac and paint on the back.
Figure 10 French oval mirror with candleholders Figure 9 Antique French Cheval Mirro r Today’s mirrors can have melted silver applied to the back of glass, but now it is even likely to be aluminum, which creates a highly reflective surface. Mirror makers stopped using mercury in the 1840s. Today’s glass is thicker and colorless, while old glass is less pure, thinner, and often with a high lead content. Currently, we have gone even further with an augmented reality smart mirror which uses a camera and display, or a reflective surface combined with AR software to enable virtual try-ons! So, we have gone from looking into still water to artificial intelligence! What’s next?
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