by Design House | Oct 10, 2019 | Blog
Picking the Perfect Performance Fabric It’s been almost nine years since I first wrote about performance fabrics and bringing them inside from their common use outdoors. My blog back then was about Sunbrella and nanotech technology and how you could have kids, pets...
by Design House | Sep 3, 2019 | Blog
Modern Wallpaper / Wallcoverings – Types and Where to Use Hang Ups? We all know it’s a big NO to those robo calls but a big YES to wallcoverings today! You may have some hang ups about using wallcovering though, if you remember when it was not only hard to...
by Design House | Jul 24, 2019 | Blog
Remodel & Home Additions Design Trends for 2019 If you are about to remodel or build onto your house, here are some of the current trends to consider, whether working on your kitchen, bathroom, living space, laundry room, or outdoor area. Kitchens Everyone always...
by Design House | Jul 3, 2019 | Blog
Shower or Tub??? OK, it’s time for me to eat my words again, or maybe just issue a change in opinion about showers vs. tubs. Most people have a very definite preference, and when we are working on projects we have to determine those preferences. For resale, we always...
by Design House | May 22, 2019 | Blog
The End of Harvey This blog post is a follow-up to The YEAR of Harvey.Many of you have been so kind as to inquire about how and what we’ve been doing since Harvey. Thus, I feel the need to write the end of the Harvey story, even though I rarely post personally. We...
by Design House | Feb 18, 2019 | Blog
Furniture In Motion Would you believe that over half of the furniture being produced today is equipped with motion capabilities? Even though I see so many options, I still find that surprising. However, when you think about how many items do have the...